I cannot believe that it's been over a month since my last post. We have been super busy and as usual our family has been struck with yet another virus.
There is so much I need to blog about. First off, I have this AMAZING brother who is not only a talented musician but, a just great all around good guy. He's smart, funny, (no, make that HILARIOUS) and one of the most compassionate guys I know...and he's SINGLE..anyone interested....... (NOTE: the Fit Chick and I are known for being just a bit opinionated about who our little brother dates...much to his frustration I am sure). Anyhow, He and his group NoVa Infinite have just been featured on a compilation CD that will be out in just a few weeks. These guys are good...(bringing back the hip hop we all used to love) you can pick up your copy here. Check them out they're some hard working guys who have a positive message!
On the knitting front, I have FINALLY finished sock #1 for my pal. I plan to finish the next one in a few days. I really liked the pattern. The jury is still out as far as the yarn is concerned. I used knitpicks Gloss. Has anyone else used this yarn?
I also received my socret-pals final reveal package. The package came the day after the "bug" entered our home and of course all things knitterly pulled me out of my funk for a brief moment!
Anyhow, big THANKS to Lindsay over at Ms Lindz. The socks are absolutely beautiful and purple ( the picture does not do them justice). They are now my absolute FAVORITE pair of hand knitted socks. Lindsay also sent me this book. I have been waiting to buy this book and I have already picked out a few projects to start whenever things slow down a bit here.
Soon I will have PLENTY of time to knit (I think). DH is leaving soon for the Mideast and I will have plenty of late night knitting to keep my mind occupied. It will be interesting to see how many of those unfinished objects I can actually complete:)
Both pairs of socks are great! Your Embossed Leaves really came out beautifully.
I love the pattern! You do such great work!
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