I want to thank all of you for your comments regarding my last post. All is well....the whole family is healthy and DH has returned home!
We had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!
We drove up north and visited family that I have not seen in quite awhile. (The fit chick has posted a pic on her blog).
It was nice to be surrounded by loved ones. I am amazed at the strength of my family( especially my grandmother). She is a beautiful woman of grace and has faith that is unshakable. She is without question, the rock in our family.
On the knitting front...there has been not so much knitting. I have been either too sick or busy. I have knit a row or two here or there whenever I have gotten a chance but sadly, it just sits there lonely and waiting.....
I also received my socret pal package the day we left for Thanksgiving and it was filled with all sorts of goodies. My Socret pal is the best. (pics to follow shortly) Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
Well I have to run......all of our Christmas errands await me......this is going to be a VERY busy month!