Things have been EXTREMELY BUSY around our household lately. I think we are finding our groove with the homeschooling and I am LOVING it.( the boys are too) I cannot say enough about the curriculum..It is WONDERFUL!
We are leaving for Disney tomorrow morning but before I left I wanted to give a quick update on things. Let's start with all things knitted......Well, I finished 1 toddler sock and it is sooo cute! I really NEED a little girl of my own....I get WAAY too excited about all things pink and frilly......hmmm we'll see.....
Anyhow, I also started the frontside of my sweater form VK FALL 05. I finished up all 13 1/2 in. of K2 p2 ribbing and FINALLY have started the fair isle. Seriously, I was pretty sick of all the ribbing. I am hoping to get this sweater done sometime soon perhaps while DH is gone this month.
Now to the non- knitting related content.... My sweet little pooch has received a clean bill of health and I am relieved (to say the least) The whole thing was hard.... I was up for WEEKS in the middle of the night 3-4 times checking on her, walking her in our backyard, giving her pain medication it was like having a baby in the house again... But, we made it and, this is probably the healthiest she has been in her life! I have become one of those crazy dog people. I was even thinking how cute it would be if we got her a costume of her own for Halloween.......
I was going to post a picture of my new "hair" but, I completely forgot to take one....Maybe I'll upload one before I leave. I went to the hair store last night and bought a few "pieces" I was telling my husband that this is one of the things I LOVE about being a black woman.... Going to the hair store picking out a cute "new" doo and being able to switch things up. It's fun... It's been awhile since I have done the whole weave/braid thing and I am starting to get that itch again...There were even some cute wigs there and I thought can I really go there....(It reminded me of the one character played by Kim Fields in Living Single...Her wigs were always great) hmmm....Maybe I will
Every thing looks great. The fair isles vest is really turning out great. Love love love.
That reminds me that I need to post a pic of my hair too. I'll see if I can get Mateo to take one tonight.
A wig? Girl, I am scared of you but you know what I mine as well make that step with too with all the weaving and braiding I'm not afraid to do!
I know what you mean about the whole switchin' up the hair thing. I love that about being black. If I only had a dollar for everytime one of my coworkers lamented about wishing they could do what I do with my hair.
Anyway, have fun with the boys @ Disney; take lots of pics. I can't wait to see it all.
PS-I'm glad to hear the dog is ok, I know u were really stressed about it all.
I love being able to change my hair daily if I want! I was thinking about a wig too... only during the winter I don't want it to come off with my hat!!!
Hello, I have seen you and Nina's blog, and I am enjoying you ladies. I too am a sahm, but of 4! I like to knit crochet, and cook. My hubby is a Minister, an assistant to his father which is a Pastor. He also is a retired Aircraft mechanic from the Air National Guard. Just found some similarities and thought I'd stop in to say hey.
Oh, and we livee in KY.
Be Blessed! Pancy
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